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Philodendron Florida (green)


Florida Beauty

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15 in stock

Family: araceae

Lineage: P. squamiferum x P. pedatum


Humidity: High humidity will allow your Florida green to thrive. Try to keep the humidity above 50%, and more ideally in the 70% range. When grown under a humidity dome, and in 100% humidity, you’ll notice the aerial roots start to grow and become more robust. Plants will perform the best under higher humidity. 

Light: Bright indirect sunlight. 8-12hrs of light works best in our experience. Too little light, and they may become “leggy”. To much light, and the leaves may start to turn yellow and chloritic. 

Temperature: The Florida green is more resilient to temperature fluctuations, but prefers temperatures in the 70 degree range. In lower temperatures the growth will slow down. Think tropical.


Water: Thoroughly water when the soil is dry to the touch. Wilting leaves are a good indicator that it is due for watering.