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Philodendron ‘Orange Princess’: Brightening Your Home with Vibrant Vines

Philodendrons are among the most popular houseplants, cherished for their lush foliage and relatively easy care requirements. Originating from the tropical regions of the Americas, these plants are part of the Araceae family, which also includes notable species like the peace lily and anthurium. Philodendrons thrive in warm, humid conditions, making them ideal for indoor cultivation.

Among the vast array of philodendron varieties, the ‘Orange Princess‘ stands out for its vibrant coloration and charming demeanor. This particular variant is a cultivar of the Philodendron erubescens, which is known for its ability to adapt to less-than-ideal light conditions and still produce stunning foliage. The ‘Orange Princess’ is especially coveted for its unique leaves, which emerge with a bright orange hue and gradually mature to a deep green with a glossy finish, while retaining orange undertones. This striking color transition not only makes it a focal point of any indoor garden but also a topic of conversation among plant enthusiasts.

The compact size of the ‘Orange Princess‘ makes it perfect for small spaces and desktops, where it adds a splash of color without overwhelming the area. Its climbing nature means it can be trained to grow on a moss pole or trellis, adding vertical interest to any room. The ease of care coupled with its dramatic visual transformation as the leaves mature, makes the ‘Orange Princess’ a delightful choice for both novice and experienced plant lovers looking to enhance their indoor spaces with a touch of nature’s beauty.

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Origin and Description


The Philodendron ‘Orange Princess’ is a captivating hybrid cultivar, developed to enchant indoor plant enthusiasts with its vibrant foliage and manageable growth. Like many Philodendrons, it is believed to have originated from hybridization experiments that involve Philodendron erubescens, which is native to the tropical rainforests of South America. These experiments aim to create plants with striking appearances and resilient qualities suitable for indoor environments.


The Philodendron ‘Orange Princess‘ is renowned for its dynamic display of color throughout its lifecycle, making it a standout addition to any collection. The young leaves of the ‘Orange Princess’ begin as a luminous orange, a rare hue in the world of indoor foliage. As they mature, these leaves gradually transition through a spectrum of colors—from rich orange to a softer peach, and finally to a deep green. Despite the color transformation, the leaves often maintain a hint of their orange vibrancy near the veins or as subtle undertones, adding depth and complexity to their appearance.

The leaves themselves are heart-shaped with a glossy texture, typical of many Philodendrons, but it’s their coloration that truly sets them apart. They can grow up to 8-10 inches long and about 5-7 inches wide when in optimal conditions. The plant itself tends to grow upward and then cascade, making it ideal for hanging baskets or elevated plant stands where its trailing vines and colorful foliage can be displayed prominently.

The ‘Orange Princess’ can grow quite vigorously under the right conditions, reaching up to a few feet in length. However, its growth can be easily managed with regular pruning, making it a versatile choice for spaces of various sizes. The combination of its colorful leaves, manageable size, and climbing nature allows for creative plant styling in home decor.

Growing Conditions


The Philodendron ‘Orange Princess’ flourishes best under bright, indirect sunlight. The ideal location is near a window where the plant can receive plenty of light but is shielded from direct sunbeams, which can scorch its delicate leaves. An east-facing window is typically perfect, as it provides the morning sunlight that is gentle yet ample. If such natural light conditions aren’t available, artificial grow lights can also be very effective. Aim for at least 6-8 hours of light daily to maintain the vibrant coloration of the leaves.


Watering the ‘Orange Princess’ requires a balance to ensure the soil remains moist but not waterlogged. Typically, the plant should be watered once the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. It’s essential to use pots with good drainage and to avoid letting the plant sit in standing water to prevent root rot. During the warmer growing season, watering might be necessary more frequently, while in the cooler months, it should be reduced. Using tepid water rather than cold can help avoid shocking the plant’s roots, which can stress the plant.

Temperature and Humidity

Philodendron ‘Orange Princess’ prefers a warm and humid environment, reflecting its tropical origins. Temperatures between 65°F (18°C) and 80°F (27°C) during the day are ideal. It is crucial to protect the plant from drastic temperature changes and cold drafts, which can harm the plant. Humidity levels around 60% or higher will help in keeping the leaves lush and vibrant. Using a hygrometer is a great way to help you keep track of the humidity levels and temperatures around your plants. If the air in your home is dry, especially in winter, using a humidifier or placing a humidity tray near the plant can provide the extra moisture it needs.

Care and Maintenance


The Philodendron ‘Orange Princess’ thrives in well-draining, nutrient-rich soil that allows for adequate aeration to the roots. A potting mix specifically designed for aroids or philodendrons, typically containing peat, perlite, and vermiculite, works well. To prepare the soil, you can mix two parts peat or coco coir with one part perlite to ensure good drainage. Adding a handful of activated charcoal can help purify the soil and improve its drainage capabilities. Ensure the pot has drainage holes to prevent water accumulation at the bottom.


Regular feeding during the growing season supports the vibrant growth of the ‘Orange Princess.’ A balanced, water-soluble fertilizer, ideally with an NPK ratio of 20-20-20, can be applied every month during spring and summer. In fall and winter, reduce feeding to once every two months as the plant’s growth naturally slows. Over-fertilizing can lead to salt build-up in the soil, which can harm the roots, so it’s crucial to follow the recommended amounts or consider using a slow-release fertilizer for more gradual nutrient release.


Pruning is beneficial for the ‘Orange Princess’ to promote fuller growth and maintain a desirable shape. Prune in the spring or early summer by cutting back any excessively long vines just above a leaf node. This encourages the plant to branch out, keeping it lush and bushy. Regularly removing any yellow or dead leaves and trimming back leggy stems helps to improve the overall health and appearance of the plant.

Common Issues

Philodendron ‘Orange Princess’ is relatively resilient but can be susceptible to common pests such as aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites. Regularly inspecting the leaves, especially the undersides, for pests and wiping them with a damp cloth can help prevent infestations. If pests are detected, treat the plant with insecticidal soap or neem oil, applying as directed until the pests are eliminated. Additionally, this plant can be prone to root rot if overwatered or if the soil does not drain properly. Ensuring good drainage and not allowing the pot to sit in water are critical preventive measures.


Propagating the Philodendron ‘Orange Princess’ is a rewarding way to expand your plant collection or share it with friends. The most effective method for propagation is stem cuttings, which can be easily done at home with a few simple steps:

Step-by-Step Guide to Propagate by Stem Cuttings

  1. Select a Healthy Stem: Choose a healthy vine that has at least two to three leaves and one or more nodes (the small bumps on the stem where leaves attach and roots tend to grow).
  2. Cut the Stem: Using a clean, sharp pair of scissors or a knife, make a cut just below a node. The cutting should be about 4-6 inches long.
  3. Prepare the Cutting: Remove any leaves near the bottom of the cutting to expose the nodes. If there are large leaves at the top, you can trim them to reduce moisture loss during rooting.
  4. Rooting Medium:
    • Water Method: Place the cutting in a jar filled with water, ensuring that at least one node is submerged. Change the water every few days to keep it fresh.
    • Soil Method: Dip the cut end in rooting hormone (optional but beneficial) and plant it in moist potting soil. The soil should be similar to the parent plant’s, providing good drainage.
  5. Environment: Place the cutting in a location with bright, indirect light and ensure the environment is warm to encourage rooting. If using soil, cover the pot with a plastic bag to create a mini-greenhouse effect, which maintains humidity.
  6. Root Development: Roots should begin to form within a few weeks. For water propagation, once roots are about an inch long, transfer the cutting to soil to continue growing.

Tips for Successful Rooting and Growth

  • Consistent Moisture: Keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy. In water propagation, ensure the water level is steady and the roots are always submerged.
  • Warmth and Humidity: These are crucial for encouraging root growth. Maintain a room temperature around 65-75°F (18-24°C) and high humidity.
  • Patience: Root development can vary in speed depending on environmental conditions and the health of the original cutting. Give your plant time to adjust and root.
  • Post-Rooting Care: Once the cutting has rooted and is planted in soil, treat it as you would a mature Philodendron ‘Orange Princess’, following the regular care guidelines for light, water, and fertilizer.

We’ve explored the delightful world of the Philodendron ‘Orange Princess’, a vibrant and charming houseplant that brings a burst of color to any indoor setting. From its striking orange-toned leaves that mature into deep greens to its manageable size and climbing nature, the ‘Orange Princess’ is not only a visual treat but also a testament to the diversity and adaptability of the Philodendron family. We’ve covered the essential care guidelines that ensure this plant thrives: placing it in bright, indirect light, maintaining a balance in watering practices, and providing a warm and humid environment. Proper soil preparation, regular fertilization, and timely pruning contribute to the health and aesthetics of the plant. Moreover, we’ve detailed the straightforward method of stem cuttings for propagation, allowing you to expand your collection or share this stunning plant with others.

Growing the Philodendron ‘Orange Princess’ is a rewarding endeavor that enhances your living space and connects you with nature. With the tips provided here, even beginners can successfully nurture and multiply their ‘Orange Princess’ plants. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or a novice plant enthusiast, the ‘Orange Princess‘ offers a fulfilling experience with its easy care and striking beauty. We encourage you to try growing your own ‘Orange Princess’. Embrace the process and enjoy the lush, vibrant results that come from caring for this extraordinary plant. Share your experiences, tips, and successes with the community, and let’s spread the joy of plant parenting far and wide. Happy gardening!

We would love to hear from you! Leave us a comment below about your Orange Princess or tissue culture experiences and what you would like to see us cover next!

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