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Monstera Burle Marx Flame: Unlocking the Mystery Behind Its Stunning Beauty!

In the enchanting world of indoor gardening, the Monstera Burle Marx Flame stands out with its unique beauty and fascinating growth habits. This blog dives into the vibrant life of this exotic plant, offering insights into its history, care, and propagation techniques. Whether you’re a seasoned green thumb or a budding plant enthusiast, you’ll find valuable tips and intriguing facts to help you nurture and appreciate the captivating allure of the Monstera Burle Marx Flame. Join us as we explore the rich tapestry of care, growth, and propagation methods that make this plant a cherished addition to any plant collection.


The Monstera Burle Marx Flame, with its full botanical name Monstera deliciosa ‘Burle Marx Flame,’ is a captivating plant native to Brazil. Thriving as an epiphyte, it elegantly clings to trees in the lush rainforests of its homeland. This plant’s name honors the esteemed Brazilian landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx, who discovered it in the 1970s. It wasn’t until 1981 that the Monstera Burle Marx Flame was released to the public, marking the beginning of its journey into the hearts of plant enthusiasts worldwide. Classified as a cultivar or variety of the species Monstera deliciosa, it shares the same family with other Monsteras, the Araceae, known for their distinctive flowering plants.

Distinctive Features

The enchanting Monstera Burle Marx Flame owes its name to the distinctive flame-like shape of its leaves, an alluring characteristic that instantly captures the observer’s attention. This plant is a slow-growing hybrid, born from the deliberate crossing of Monstera Dilacerata with Philodendron Insulare, a testament to the ingenuity of botanical experimentation. Each leaf of the Burle Marx Flame is a visual spectacle, boasting rounded, heart-shaped contours adorned with dramatic marbling in shades of yellow and lime green. These leaves are not static in their beauty; new growth emerges with even more pronounced and bolder colors, making each new leaf a fresh marvel to behold.

As these leaves age, the variegation subtly shifts, becoming more muted, yet they never lose their inherent charm. In an intriguing development characteristic of maturity, the leaves evolve to display the Monstera’s signature slits and holes, a feature that adds to their intricate beauty. This phenomenon, known as “leaf fenestration,” is facilitated by auxins, a type of plant hormone that influences growth patterns. These perforations are not merely decorative; they serve a functional purpose, increasing in number as the leaves grow larger, which allows the plant to withstand strong tropical winds in its native habitat, highlighting a perfect blend of form and function in the plant kingdom.

*Special Note: These plants are toxic to cats and dogs if ingested.*

Caring for your Monstera Burle Marx Flame

Light Requirements:

The Monstera Burle Marx Flame flourishes under bright, indirect light, making it ideal for placement near east or west-facing windows where it can receive filtered sunlight. Direct exposure to sunlight should be avoided as it can scorch the leaves, while too much direct sun can also lead to a fading of the plant’s vibrant variegation. Conversely, low light conditions are not ideal, as they can cause the plant to stretch and lose the vibrancy of its variegation, undermining its aesthetic appeal.

Soil and Potting:

A well-draining soil mix is essential for the health of the Burle Marx Flame, ensuring that water can flow freely and prevent root rot. Indoor potting mixes, especially those enriched with peat moss, are recommended to improve moisture retention while still allowing excess water to drain. It’s crucial to use containers with drainage holes to facilitate proper water management. Generally, repotting the Monstera Burle Marx Flame every 2-3 years into a slightly larger pot with good drainage, preferably during spring or early summer, is optimal for promoting healthy growth.


Watering this plant correctly is key to its growth. The top inch of soil should be allowed to dry out before watering, typically once a week, but this can vary depending on environmental conditions. Water thoroughly, ensuring the soil is completely soaked until water runs freely from the drainage holes. This mimics the natural rainfall patterns the plant would experience in its tropical habitat. Droopy leaves often signal that the plant is under-watered. However, during the winter or dormancy period, reduce watering frequency as the plant’s water requirements decrease.


Warm indoor temperatures ranging from 70-80°F are ideal to replicate the Burle Marx Flame’s native tropical environment. Growth may slow significantly if temperatures fall below 65°F, while temperatures above 90°F can stress the plant. Maintaining this temperature range ensures healthy growth and vibrancy.


A high humidity level, between 40-60%, is crucial for the Burle Marx Flame, echoing the moist conditions of its rainforest origin. To increase humidity, especially in dry indoor environments, you can group plants together, use pebble trays, install humidifiers, or mist the plants regularly. Use a hygrometer to keep track of the humidity near your plant and adjust as necessary. These methods can help maintain the ambient humidity levels that the plant thrives in.


During its growth periods, the Burle Marx Flame benefits from monthly fertilization with balanced soluble fertilizers. This provides the necessary nutrients for maintaining its lush, vibrant foliage and supports overall plant health and growth.

Available from The Regular Plant Co. in April!


Propagating the Monstera Burle Marx Flame can be a rewarding project, offering several methods to multiply your collection. Remember, patience is key to propagation success. It may take several weeks to months for cuttings or offshoots to establish and begin growing vigorously. Here’s a step-by-step guide focusing on the most accessible method, stem tip cuttings, along with insights on separating rooted offshoots:

Propagating via Stem Tip Cuttings

  1. Selecting the Cutting:

Look for a healthy stem with 1-2 nodes. Nodes are small bumps or sections on the stem from which leaves, roots, and sometimes aerial roots grow.

Ensure the cutting includes at least one leaf to support photosynthesis, which is crucial for root development.

2. Cutting:

Use a clean, sharp pair of 3. Rooting Medium:

You can root the cutting in water or sphagnum moss. Water is a straightforward method allowing you to observe root growth, while sphagnum moss can retain moisture and encourage rooting without the risk of rot when monitored carefully.

4. Rooting Process:

Place the cutting in your chosen medium. If using water, change the water every few days to keep it fresh and reduce the risk of bacterial growth.

Keep the cutting in a warm, bright location out of direct sunlight. Bright, indirect light is ideal for encouraging growth.

5. Transplanting:

Once the roots are a few inches long, which may take several weeks, the cutting is ready to be potted in soil. Use a well-draining potting mix designed for tropical plants.

Water the newly potted plant thoroughly and continue to keep it in bright, indirect light.

Propagating via Rooted Offshoots


Mature Monstera Burle Marx Flame plants often produce offshoots near the base. These small plantlets will have their own roots and can be separated from the parent plant.


Carefully remove the parent plant from its pot to better access the offshoots.

Use a clean knife or Potting:

Pot each offshoot in its own container with a well-draining potting mix.

Water the offshoots well and place them in a location with bright, indirect light.

Notes on Other Methods:

Tissue Culture: This advanced method is primarily used by professionals to stabilize variegation traits and ensure genetic consistency. If you are interested in trying this method at home, check out our other blog: How to Grow Tissue Culture Plants at Home: A DIY Guide!

Seeds: Propagating variegated cultivars like the Burle Marx Flame from seeds is not recommended, as seeds seldom produce plants identical to the parent. This method is less reliable for maintaining variegation.


Supporting your Monstera with a moss pole not only enhances its vertical growth but also mimics its natural climbing habit. Here’s a step-by-step guide to installing a moss pole for your plant:

1. Select a Moss Pole:

   – Choose a moss pole approximately two-thirds the height of your Monstera, with a diameter between 4-6 inches. Opt for natural materials like Sphagnum Moss, Coconut Coir, bamboo or non-toxic PVC for safety and sustainability.

2. Preparation:

   – Soak the moss pole in water to moisten it thoroughly. Trim away any excess moss, ensuring that moss covers at least 50% of the pole’s surface. This balance provides ample space for aerial roots to latch onto.

3. Installation:

   – Insert the moss pole into the pot, positioning it close to the Monstera’s main stem. Secure the pole upright using bamboo stakes or plant Velcro strips for stability.

4. Securing the Plant:

   – Use soft plant ties or Velcro strips to gently attach the Monstera’s stem to the moss pole, spacing the ties about 6-8 inches apart.

5. Guiding Aerial Roots:

   – As the plant grows and new aerial roots develop, guide them towards the moss pole, allowing them to attach and climb.

6. Maintenance:

   – Periodically check the ties to ensure they are not too tight, which could damage the stems. Keep the moss moist by regularly misting, a self-watering moss pole or using a water reservoir. Add fresh moss to any bare spots to support continuous root attachment.

7. Adjustments for Growth:

   – For plants requiring less support, consider a simple trellis, pole, or stake. Rotate the plant occasionally to encourage even growth towards the support. Prune any leggy or weak stems and guide new growth along the support. Stake any heavy branches to prevent drooping and potential damage.

8. Managing Size and Support:

   – As your Monstera grows, you may need to extend the height of the support or trim the plant’s top growth to maintain a manageable size.

This method not only supports your Monstera’s growth but also promotes a healthier, more natural development, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of your climbing plant fully.


As we’ve journeyed through the captivating world of the Monstera Burle Marx Flame, we’ve uncovered the nuances of its care, the artistry of its propagation, and the rich history that roots it deeply in the hearts of plant enthusiasts. This remarkable plant, with its distinctive foliage and vibrant growth, is more than just a decorative addition to our spaces—it’s a living testament to nature’s beauty and diversity. Whether you’re marveling at the variegated leaves, supporting its climbing aspirations, or celebrating a successful propagation, the Monstera Burle Marx Flame offers a rewarding experience for any plant lover. May the knowledge and tips shared here inspire you to grow and cherish these magnificent plants, adding a touch of the tropics to your indoor garden.

(Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you. These links will be seen throughout the post and listed at the bottom for easy reference.)

Up Next: The Best Humidifiers for Every Plant Lover: The Ultimate Guide!

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